Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wow.  That was pretty sweet!  As it turns out, yours truly had his socks (and quite possibly his mustache) knocked off last Friday.  An unprecedented number of JAC:GC members showed up to throw me a surprise party.  A jorts-and-mustaches theme party!  I was honored, to say the least.  Pictures of the event are trickling in, which you can find easily on the Facebook page.  In my 31 years on this earth, no one has thrown me a surprise party, and I recall being oh-so-surprised by the event.  And so I would like to issue a heartfelt thank you to all the planners (Miss S. especially) for bringing together all of my favorite people to help ease the pain of growing older.  Until the next semi-occasional meeting of the JAC:GC, keep the jorts short and the fray long!
-Web Lackey

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Oh my!  It's been so very long since our last update here in the blog cave.  No matter; we can blog whenever we want!

The hot news this week is that tomorrow (9/24) has the potential to be yet another fun-filled evening of Jorty Goodness.  The occasion?  El Presidente sent out an email because he wanted to.  The secondary occasion?  Yours truly (The Web Lackey) is turning 20-11 and needs to remind himself of the joys of life.  We'll meet at GCB (natch) around 5:30PM and then go on a leisurely bike cruise around Golden Proper, stretching wherever we feel like it.  Join us!  A cookout will follow, so be prepared to have a good time!

-The Web Lackey